We are a trading company of precious metals, which has its roots in Eastern Antioquia and we are qualified as Industrial User of Goods and Services of the Free Trade Zone of Rionegro, in order to encourage new opportunities for positioning in the global market, due to our privileged geographical location and tax incentives, thus providing a diversified portfolio of services.
Likewise, we are your strategic ally for customers and suppliers is our highest priority, ensuring that the development of the corporate purpose contributes not only to an economic benefit for the parties, but also consolidate as guarantors of efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and minimal environmental impact to the various auditing entities.
To be for our clients a strategic company in a free trade zone, oriented to excellence in the provision of logistic services and in the management of the processes of analysis, smelting, refining, production and transformation of precious minerals for the international market.
By the year 2028 METAPREX S.A.S. will consolidate its position as the leading company in the precious metals trading sector, exceeding the expectations of quality and service.
Implementing the self-control policy with risk-based approach (SAGRILAFT), from the moment of obtaining the mineral to the final product or service, we guarantee the impeccability in the development of the work from and outside the free territory, complying with the requirements within the framework of national and international laws, which regulate our business model.
When buying and selling precious metals, our vast experience and reliable and transparent information guarantee maximum confidence in any transaction.
To provide clean and safe processes in logistics services, ore processing, storage and marketing.
Thanks to our qualified personnel, we obtain optimal results in the logistics operation and in the services provided in our value offer.
We have proactive teams and resources aligned with the company's objectives, stimulating the maximization of its performance and customer satisfaction indexes.
To have a proper advice on the purchase and export of precious metals.